

沐浴盐僵尸/血战沙漠殭尸在纽约,强有力的浴盐股已经浮出水面,吸引了最忠实的浴盐吸毒者。一个年轻有抱负的化学家已经开发了一个更强大的批处理……但有些事情已经已面目全非。Present day, United States... The bath salts epidemic facing the southern and mid-western US has been stifled by an unprecedented government crackdown. Head shops have been raided and shut down, component imports from the UK, India and China have been completely stopped, and aggressive penalties for users have been instated. This has led to a tremendous amount of surplus stock hidden by black market dealers, and a migration of those dealers (and in turn, users) to the northeast and other areas. In New York City, potent strands have surfaced and have attracted the most devoted bath salt junkies. In an attempt to outsell said strands, a young a. This has led dealers (and in turn, users) to the northeast and other areas. In New York City, potent strands have surfaced and have attracted the most devoted bath salt junkies. In an attempt to outsell said strands, a young a. This has led to a tremendous amount of surplus stock hidden by black market dealers, and a migration of those dealers (and in turn, users) to the northeast and other areas. In New York City, potent strands have surfaced and have attracted the most devoted bath salt junkies. In an attempt to outsell said strands, a young aspiring chemist has developed and even stronger batch... but something has gone horribly wrong. The new ultra potent bath salt batch has revealed a major side effect... It turns users into violent flesh seeking zombies. When the zombies are high on balt salts, they are completely unaware of their actions and they seem to float in and out of consciousness.

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