

Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Abby has not gotten over the tragedy of her father’s death or the dominatrix who killed him. His death left a permanent impression in her mind that men who love her will always abandon her. She is determined to discover the reasons for his death and avenge his murder. Posing as a dominatrix, she eases her way into the world of sadomasochism and sexual fantasies…a perfect setup for finding the truth and getting revenge! Her father died in a humiliating S&M affair when she was a young child and Abby’s mother deserted her when she was born. Abby feels that any man she cares about will abandon her and she shies away from dating. She grieves over her father’s death and wants justification from the Dominatrix who may have killed him. In an attempt to resolve her psychological pain, she eases her way into the world of sadomasochism and sexual fantasies...a perfect setup for finding the truth and getting revenge!

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